Practice Partners, Inc. provides its clients with customizable, on-demand business services, which can simultaneously increase revenue and decrease costs.
What We Offer Our Clients:
- Access to experienced professionals who can manage your receivables or project at the level you determine.
- A wide range of services from which to choose, as appropriate for your specific practice.
- The opportunity to contract with us on an as-needed basis for only the services you wish to utilize.
- Client-specific solutions for reducing cost of business.
The Keys to Practice Partners’ Success:
- Experienced and knowledgeable staff.
- Significant investments in technology.
- Implementation and development of Best Practices.
Benefits You Can Expect:
- More time to focus on patient care.
- Performance based payment to Practice Partners. Our incentives are based on results for your practice.
- Ability to access leading edge medical software without the expense of purchasing it.
- Enhanced employee productivity and efficiency.
As an outsourcing partner, you have the opportunity to access our services as needed, thereby freeing your practice from the burden of carrying the overhead cost of employees and/or software to perform billing and collection services which Practice Partners can provide for you.